In a message dated 4/10/2007 7:04:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I must be the over alkaline type I feel, and have actually taken stuff to 
reduce acidity because I thought that might be the problem.  

****I was surprised to see that I must also be Alkaline. 
I guess nothing is simple..I need to take a few Papaya tablets to disgest my 
food but then I become over acidic.:(
Finally realized that I have the best digestion in the morning tapering off 
as the day goes by.

I want to say that this discussion 
has put a bit of a fire under me and I am using the knowledge passed on from 
this list to begin a new eating plan.
Started last night.
I will be using the Hellers Carbo Addict Process  except I will be having my 
carbo meal in the morning as that is my best digestion time.
Weighed in last night and documented to see if my body has any 
ability left to wake up its metabolism.   V.

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