I received a digest that listed me as a poster, but my
posts were missing (just a large blank space). Here
they are again:

Wendy said,
> is this the same for children as well as adults? I
was thinking we can all do it at the same time as I am
curious to know how the kids are doing. <

Yes, you can test the whole family each morning and
evening. Send me the numbers for everyone and I will
explain them.

Folks, I have no hidden sales agenda in doing this. I
will sell you pH paper or Concentrace if you cannot
find it at your local HF store, but both of them will
be cheaper if you find them in a store. It costs me
nothing to tell you what your pH numbers mean, and if
it helps you, I am happy.

Duncan said,
>..it's rare that someone is too alkaline, and if you
were, the yogurt would be a good bet. <

Most children below 14 or 15 years old are usually
alkaline (but less and less as time goes by), and I
still run into the occasional adult who is. 

>From the time you are born, your pH follows a pattern.
A healthy baby will have balanced numbers – 6.4/6.4
(urine/saliva). Unless they are fortunate enough to
have health fanatic parents (lets face it, that is
what you have to be today), and parents who also
passed on excellent health to their children, the
health of the child will follow a predictable decline
pattern as indicated in their pH: From balanced pH it
will go to double alkaline (urine/saliva), then acid
urine and alkaline saliva, then alkaline urine and
acid saliva, then double acid, then death. 

Note: Depending on how mineralized/demineralized their
body was to begin with, that double acid pH can last
for many years before serious health issues/death
occurs. In the early 80s, I did not see double acid
except in seniors. Now I am sometimes finding it in
teenagers. You will notice that arthritis, cancer and
heart disease are also occurring in children today.
There is a connection.

In the pH decline pattern I described above, I did not
mention fluctuating pH. Most folks between about 30-60
years old have fluctuating pH. How it fluctuates, how
often it fluctuates, how far (wide) it fluctuates, how
consistent the fluctuation is, these all tell me
things about what is going on inside you.

What health is primarily about is the mineral
situation inside the body. (I am speaking about the
physical dimension, not the emotional/spiritual
dimension.) We are MADE of minerals, and our bodies
use up minerals each day, and the condition/balance of
our health affects the utilization of those minerals.
The pH gives me insight into how low our savings
account of minerals is (what Dr. Reams called our
Mineral Reserve). We are born with a certain Mineral
Reserve, and that is that (it is like being born
large-boned or small-boned – you cannot change from
one to the other). Dr. Reams explained that if you
were born with a Mineral Reserve of – picking an
arbitrary number – 100 (whatever), and you squandered
much of it being raised on the Standard North American
Diet, what you would give to your children would be
less than YOU started out with. If they do the same,
passing on to their children a bit less than they
started out with, you can see what is happening in our
country as the generations go by. 

Remember, what you were born with is it, and even if
you become a health freak and
eat/exercise/supplement/think/live in an amazingly
healthy way, the most you can accomplish is to regain
what was lost and approach what you were born with.

Sigh. I have probably put a quarter in the
Controversial Discussion machine now!

Maybe I better quit while I am behind.

One last point. In attempting to balance your pH, it
is NOT enough just to supplement the correct calcium.
The REST of the minerals, especially the trace
minerals, must accompany the right calcium. That is
why I am always recommending Concentrace.

Terry Chamberlin


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