Dan said,
> Is it possible for you to give the actual pH ranges
for the states referred to below? Also, is 6.4/6.4
correct?  That is slightly acid, and I have heard
figures indicating it should be 7.4/7.4. <

In a laboratory, the pH range for chemicals is 0-14,
which would make 7.0 balanced. Dr. Reams taught that
6.4 was balanced for the human metabolism (you are
probably referring to blood pH, which must stay very
close to 7.4 – 7.35-7.45). Since 6.5 is 10X as
alkaline as 6.4, and 6.6 is 10X as alkaline as 6.5,
then you can see why I would consider 7.4 to be quite
alkaline. Every person I have tested since 1984, when
I first started testing folks, who had pH in the
7.0-8.0 range were all suffering from the kinds of
issues that overly-alkaline people have: constipation,
higher body temperature, sinus issues, headaches, ear
infections, heart and lung issues, body odor, upper
skeletal and shoulder problems...the list goes on.

The ranges I think you are asking about are regarding
this that I described:

>> From balanced pH it will go to double alkaline
(urine/saliva), then acid urine and alkaline saliva,
then alkaline urine and acid saliva, then double acid,
then death. <<

If that is not what you were asking about, ask again.

Acid is anything below 6.4, alkaline is anything over
it. Double alkaline can be 6.5/6.5 all the way up to
8.4/8.4 (the highest pH I ever encountered in a
client), or higher, although folks with pH that high
are in a very serious condition. The pH paper I use
only goes as low as 5.5, but I once had a woman client
with a pH of 4.2/4.4 (using my pH chemicals to test
her). She later died from her terminal cancer. I
believe I could have helped her, but she just would
not do what I recommended ("I don’t like to take
pills"; "That stuff tastes icky."). 

The client with the 8.4/8.4 pH had a bowel movement
every 3 weeks. She owned a Health Food store and
advised her clients on appropriate supplements. She
scorned my recommendations and thought she merely
needed more fiber in her diet. I assure you, fiber
would have made absolutely no difference! She could
eat herbal laxatives like candy with no affect! She
was a prime candidate for abdominal cancer of some
kind (uterus, colon, liver, etc.).

Terry Chamberlin

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