now where can I get the Concentrace at a reasonable
Call whatever HF stores are near you and ask for it.
If they do not carry it, contact friends who are not
near you whom you visit periodically and ask them to
call the HF stores near them. If no one carries it, I
can ship it to you - $30 plus shipping.

Terry Chamberlin


Thanks for the suggestion of Concentrace, I had recently been looking into buying minerals on a regular basis at an economical price and was about to purchase some of more commonly available type of liquid minerals product (diluted in juice) in bulk from the USA, as this would cost less (even with postage) than the usual price per bottle in UK health shops. Luckily Concentrace appears to be available in the UK from at very reasonable prices. I've recently renewed my interest in organic gardening and have started collecting seaweed from a nearby beach to make a liquid plant feed with as it is meant to be the best kind of fertilizer due to high mineral content. However I would imagine considerable research would need to go into checking the purity of any local seawater before deciding to drink it and of course there is the issue of how to remove the salt.

I've also been investigating the supposed benefits of ingesting Bentonite clay. I've used it a few times in colon cleanses (mixed with psyllium), but upon looking at the information at this site, have decided to buy in bulk some calcium bentonite and explore not only more regular internal use, but external use in baths, which are claimed to be very therapeutic and assist the body in removing toxins and heavy metals.

I did a colon cleanse a few years ago following Dr Richard Anderson's "Cleanse and Purify" protocol, and using his "Arise and Shine" liquid minerals. In his book he affirms the importance of PH testing before a cleanse and suggests that a healthy morning urine sample taken after eating acid forming foods the previous day, ought to show an acidic reading of 5.7 to 6 (ideally 5.6 or below) , proving that the body has enough alkaline mineral supply to remove the acids. If the urine test after eating acid forming foods the previous day shows a very high alkaline level, then this shows that mineral depletion is occurring. If over 6.8 then there are no mineral reserves left and the kidneys are having to excrete ammonia into the urine in order to deal with expulsion of the acids. He says that mineral depletion occurs from consuming too much acid-forming foods after which the body has to steal minerals from elsewhere in the body and that this category of people often gain weight as the body is diluting the acids with lymph and storing them or they may lose weight and suffer from various digestive disorders.

He considers a healthy first saliva test of the day to be around 6.4 to 6.6, but ideally 6.7 to 7. He also suggest doing a lemon juice saliva test. The body should react quickly to an extremely acid condition by flushing alkalinity into the mouth and within minutes we should have readings of 8 or above, if not, this is apparently another indication of lack of alkaline minerals.



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