9. april 2002.

Predrag Bulatovic about SNP stance regarding cooperation with the Hague

Law to be in force for 20 accused only

   Podgorica - After the meeting of SNP Main board, leader of the
   Socialist Peoples Party Predrag Bulatovic said that text of the
   proposed law for cooperation with the Hague Tribunal was not
   acceptable for that party.
   'SNP wants a compromising solution that would be acceptable for all
   coalition partners. That compromise does not understand any of
   suggested proposals. Further to that we agreed to suggest a law on
   cooperation with the Hague Tribunal in which extradition of Yugoslav
   citizens would be acceptable only for indictments so far submitted to
   Yugoslav Ministry of Justice', Bulatovic said.

   If this compromise accepted the law could be passed in federal
   Parliament until April 10, Bulatovic thinks.

   'So far there are less than 20 indictments. Our proposal would
   all citizens of Montenegro that are uncertain about their future and
   that took part in military campaigns because they respond to the
   of competent authorities.

   'All our compromises are valid only if our coalition partner Serbian
   peoples Party and Yugoslav Parliament support them. Yugoslav
   Vojislav Kostunica will also have to say clearly whether he is for
   extradition of our citizens. We also expect his stance in that
   to be unique and consistent', Bulatovic said.

Zoran Sami of DSS about model for cooperation with the Hague Tribunal
DSS for lex specialis

   Belgrade - 'DSS is for compromise with SNP regarding law for
   cooperation with the Hague tribunal', Zoran Sami, DSS vice president
   said yesterday. 'It is possible that that law is a kind of lex
   specialis. It is no problem that the offered text of the law is
   somewhat changed, however, the basic idea cannot be changed', Sami

Spokeswoman of the Hague Tribunal for 'Blic' daily
New indictments follow

   Belgrade - Spokeswoman of the Hague Tribunal Florence Artmann said
   that SNP proposal that the law on cooperation with the Hague Tribunal
   should refer only to indictments submitted so far was not in line
   obligation of Yugoslavia when cooperation with the Tribunal was
   'Every country that cooperates with the Tribunal is under obligation
   to arrest the war crime suspect within the shortest possible time.
   Certain number of indictments has been already submitted to Belgrade
   while some have not because we think that the accused people are not
   in Yugoslavia at the moment. Who knows, perhaps there will be new
   indictments and they all have to be treated in the same way', Artmann

DOS and NS satisfied with SNP proposal

Decision in federal Parliament tomorrow

   Belgrade - Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic said yesterday that
   SNP proposal that law on cooperation with the Hague Tribunal should
   applicable only in case of so far submitted indictments was
   for DOS and Serbian Government. Batic further said that DOS and SNP
   representatives would meet today to agree about all details. 'Having
   that in mind it is possible that federal Parliament passes the law on
   cooperation with UN international court as early as tomorrow', Batic

Director of Medium Index International about stance of public opinion
regarding extradition to the Hague Tribunal Majority against extradition
of Karadzic and Mladic

   Belgrade - 'Majority of Serbian citizens, 45 percent, think that
   Milutinovic, Vlajko Stoiljkovic and Nikola Sainovic should be
   delivered to the Hague Tribunal', Srbobran Brankovic, director of
   Medium Index International said yesterday at press club called 'The
   way out from the Hague labyrinth'.
   'In case of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic the result is different
   because 4l percent of the citizens think that Mladic and Karadzic
   should not be delivered', Brankovic says.

Serbs forced to leave Kosovo prepare massive action
Blockade of Kosovo and Metohija

   Belgrade - Dissatisfaction of displaced Kosovo Serbs at relation of
   UNMIK, but also federal and republican bodies towards the project of
   return, might result at the beginning of next month by announced
   blockades of administrative connections with Kosovo and Metohija.
   This is the idea of displaced Serbs. It understands that 100000 of
   displaced Serbs with members of their families block all access roads
   to Kosovo and Metohija. Thus they want to make pressure on UNMIK,
   Yugoslav and Serbian authorities so as to activate for already long
   time proclaimed project of return of Serbs in Kosovo.

Serbia and Montenegro on the way to EU

   Brussels - Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said in Brussels
   yesterday after meeting with high EU representative Javier Solana
   he expected continuation of and intensified financial support to
   Serbia and Montenegro simultaneously with the process of
   and access of our country to European Union.
   'EU shall fully support Serbia and Montenegro on their approaching to
   EU', Solana said.

   Speaking about his meeting with Djukanovic, Solana said it was
   continuation of talks about implementation of recently accepted
   agreement about redefinition of Yugoslav federation. President
   Djukanovic told me that Montenegrin Parliament would accept the
   agreement in 10 days', Solana said.

Severe conflicts on the bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica
12 Serbs injured

   Kosovska Mitrovica - At least 12 Serbs have been seriously and
   injured yesterday after 3 p.m. in conflict with UN Police. The
   conflict occurred, according to unofficial information, when traffic
   Police attempted to establish a checkpoint near the main city bridge
   over the Ibar River in the northern part of the city.

   According to Marko Jaksic, one of Serbian representatives from the
   northern part of the city, the Police without any reason arrested and
   heavily beaten Slavoljub Jovic. That was the main reason for several
   hundreds of Serbs to gather. 'UNMIK Police provoked the incident on
   purpose so as to make it clear to the Serbs that UNMIK has the final
   say in Kosovo', Vladimir Rakic, president of 'Most' /'Bridge'/
   association said for 'Blic' daily. UNMIK Police used teargas, shock
   bombs, but also bullets to disperse the protestors.

Judges of the Hague Tribunal announced their decision about limitation
of cross-interrogation and concluded: Milosevic prone to long speeches

   The Hague - Court trial against former Yugoslav President Slobodan
   Milosevic was continued yesterday before the Hague Tribunal.
   Yesterday's trial was closed to the public since protected witnesses
   were interrogated. Prior to that the judges announced their decision
   about limitation of cross-interrogation and Milosevic put his
   objections. Milosevic will be allowed to interrogate witnesses about
   activities of 'KLA' and NATO bombing since that is important for his
   defense. Judges decided that Milosevic can set questions to witnesses
   about concrete events in order to check their credibility, but the
   Court Chamber shall continue to supervise cross-interrogation so as
   prevent excessive spending of time. The main Judge Richard May said
   that the Court Chamber had noticed that the accused Milosevic was
   inclined to setting long questions and delivering speeches. That is
   why the Court Chamber intends to continue to limit the duration of
   'The decision of the Court Chamber is only confirmation of so far
   practice', Dragoslav Ognjanovic, lawyer of Slobodan Milosevic said.
   'So far Milosevic has been interrogating witnesses about activities
   'KLA' and NATO bombing and the Chamber suspended some of his
   and limited the time for cross-interrogation', Ognjanovic said. In
   following 10 days, another Milosevic's lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic shall
   attend the trial.

                           Srpska Informativna Mreza

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