Eradication of Serbian Culture and Religion Continues in Kosovo

In 1999, President Clinton took us to war on the side of Osama bin
Laden-trained rebels against Serbia, a nation that was our ally in WWI and
II. This was the first war in history started by America.

Clinton's goal was to divert press attention from the Cox Commission Report,
due out the week Clinton started the war, which detailed how he had sold US
military secrets in exchange for campaign contributions from Communist
Chinese leadership.

The war resulted in the province of Kosovo, which belonged to Serbia, being
given to radical Muslims. We at CS, we along with many other groups,
continue to monitor the situation there. Here's the latest from our Balkans
analyst, Stella Jatras:

In his 28 December commentary titled , "Remember Kosovo?" Cliff Kincaid
(Accuracy in Media,) wrote, "AIM put together a list of the most
underreported or buried stories of 2004, and one of them was the resurgence
of anti-Serb, anti-Christian violence in Kosovo. Dozens were killed and more
Christian churches were destroyedthere. Kosovo got some attention near the
end of the year when newspapers covered the fact that a former leader of the
Kosovo Liberation Army, the KLA, became prime minister in a new Kosovo-based
government. A story in The Washington Post, back on page 18, noted that he
has been accused of 'war atrocities' and may be indicted." 

Perhaps the answer to the question why can be found in a Der Spiegel
commentary of 13 December titled, "A Prime Minister with a Kalashnikov."
Author Renate Flottau writes, "Former Kosovo Liberation Army commander
Ramush Haradinaj stands accused of murdering 67 Serbs and ordering the
deaths of 267 others. No matter: he became prime minister of Kosovo two
weeks ago." Renate Flottau continues, "A decision on Haradinaj's indictment
will probably be made in the very near future, but the tribunal's
investigation will likely play a lesser role than anticipated. As it turns
out, the Americans are interested in Haradinaj acting as their partner at
the status negotiations for Kosovo.... [Haradinaj] has been one of the US
government's closest allies ever since the NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia.
In fact, he was already the White House's top pick as the new leader of
Kosovo's ethnic Albanians a few months after the war ended. The US
government wanted Haradinaj to replace former fellow KLA fighter Hashim
Thaci as the international negotiating partner in Kosovo after Thaci was
discredited for his shady past."

A 27 December British Helsinki Human Rights Group report entitled "Cultural
Genocide in Kosovo" states, "Of course, independence will not solve anything
- except in the Hitlerian sense. If the American advocates of Kosovo's
independence [Abramowitz, Holbrooke] get their way, the surviving
gheottoised Serbs face annihilation along with their ancestors'
extraordinary contributions to the architectural heritage of Christian
Europe in the medieval times. Sadly, that is all too likely." 

The election of a KLA war criminal in Kosovo is reminiscent of the the 1996
elections in Bosnia when the Clinton administration did not cry "fraud" as
an "estimated 600,000 phantom votes [cast], according to preliminary results
that call into question the apparent victory of the Muslim leader, Alija
Izetbegovic." (The Guardian, 24 Sept. 1996.) The Washington Times reported
on 21 Sept 1996, "Bosnia voting exceeds 100 percent." Furthermore, The New
York Times of 1 Jan. 1997, reported that "Iran gave $500,000 to Bosnian
[Izetbegovic] President's Elections Effort." Had President Izetbegovic
lived, he was to be charged as a war criminal. It is apparent, however, that
with the election of Haradinaj, Izetbegovic didn't have anything to fear
after all. It appears that the only war criminals are Serbs who have already
been convicted even before they are tried.

Unfortunately, the election of Haradinaj indicates that little has changed
in Bosnia and Kosovo since President Bush took office: Albanian and al-Qaeda
narco-terrorist continue to make Kosovo the center of European drug
trafficking and prostitution; Serbs, Roma (Gypsies) and other ethnic groups,
including non-conforming Albanians are being driven out or murdered; and
Serbian culture and religion are being eradicated. The Bosnian Republic of
Srbska continues to suffer under the arbitrary rule of a dictatorial UN
administrator. The question must be asked: With the focus on Afghanistan and
Iraq, when will the Bush Administration's war on terror -- more than 3 years
into it -- finally catch up with Kosovo? 

Stella Jatras

                           Srpska Informativna Mreza



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