One further thing, when I try to boot from the RP06 and the emulator hangs,
if I type control-E to get back to the simh prompt, I get

Simulation stopped, PC: 80008B1F (BRB 80008B1F)

Nothing surprising there, except every time I get exactly the same PC

In addition, when I boot the 780 emulator from an RA81 system disk
containing VMS 4.6 (which works fine), it takes a few seconds to get beyond

   VAX/VMS Version 4.6  <date and time>

message. If I hit control-E while the emulator is waiting, I get exactly the
same PC value as above.

It is as if the emulated VAX is waiting for some disk activity, which
happens after a few seconds with an RA81 (also with an RD53), but never
happens with a Massbus disk.

Peter Allan
Simh mailing list

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