I'm using VS 2010 professional... As far as I remember the express
stuff is 32bit only.  The platform SDK's come with all kinds of stuff,
including cross compilers, I think they are free...?

Like this one for 2003...

While this one is for 2008 / .net 4.0

I don't have any MS Makefiles (nmake is.. weird.) but looking at the
makefile you can usually figure out what you want along the lines of

cl -DVM_VAX -DVAX_780  -I VAX -I PDP11 -I. -Ox  -c scp.c
cl -DVM_VAX -DVAX_780  -I VAX -I PDP11 -I. -Ox  -c sim_console.c
cl -DVM_VAX -DVAX_780  -I VAX -I PDP11 -I. -Ox  -c sim_ether.c


Microsoft started on the 64bit train some time back in 2001 on the Dec
Alpha of all things... Then when Compaq bought Dec, it saw the Alpha
as a threat to it's high end Pentium stuff and killed the Alpha NT
port.. But it was developed internal, lots of SDK's have the
Alpha64/DEC64 tags in them so clearly it is where is started.. And of
course the long road to the Itanium, then finally the x86_64.  I've
recently acquired an Itanium, and it's not as bad as I'd thought, but
the compilers are far less forgiving then the x86_64 stuff.

What platform do you need?  I'm sure I can cook up a nmake package file for you.

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Armistead, Jason
<jason.armist...@otis.com> wrote:
> Jason
> I'm running VC 2008 Express, but could probably grab the VC 2010 Express 
> edition if that's what you're using.
> I'm not entirely sure when Microsoft started being able to generate 64-bit 
> EXEs in their toolchains, but since I started writing my reply I also did 
> some Googling and it seems that I may need to get a fully-blown version of 
> Visual Studio Professional
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/deeptanshuv/archive/2006/04/11/573795.aspx
> but then I read posts like
> http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/Vsexpressvc/thread/4ce313a3-cb5f-43fc-bbb9-50233f8ed11b
> which seem to indicate I may be OK.
> Sigh !  Too many toolset options compared with what I was used to under 
> OpenVMS VAX / Alpha !
> Cheers
> Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Stevens [mailto:neoz...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, 2 May 2011 9:14 AM
> To: Armistead, Jason
> Cc: simh@trailing-edge.com
> Subject: Re: [Simh] Running and compiling SIMH under 64-bit Windows 7
> I'm pretty sure I've done it at some point....
> I've done a VC 2005 project on older source here..
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/simh/files/simh%20source%20code/simh%203.7-3/simh-3.73-vc2005.zip/download
> I guess I could update it, is Visual Studio 2010 ok?  I need to do a
> 'proper' Itanium version at any rate....
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Armistead, Jason
> <jason.armist...@otis.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone built an EXE of SIMH with networking support which will run
>> properly under Windows 7 64-bit ?  Or, perhaps somehow has the current SIMH
>> EXEs running under Windows 7 64-bit as-is
>>  ?
>> We’re beginning the inevitable corporate move from XP 32-bit to Windows 7,
>> and 64-bit seems like the preferred option rather than 32-bit.
>> Has SIMH been compiled specifically for 64-bit Windows platforms, and is
>> there a Visual Studio project environment (or perhaps another alternative
>> environment) that I can get from somewhere to give this a go for myself ?
>> Thanks
>> Jason
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