Might be some peculiarity of Ubuntu or my two Dell desktop PCs, but
the system logs do in fact show that they are waiting for the tun0
device to close down and that it is "busy". I've waited as long as 30
minutes after the SIMH module was closed, and still no shutdown for

The desktop machines have SIMH 3.8 rather than 3.9, which might also
make some difference.

I will try the bridge again, but previous attempts on the laptop
failed to work for either the host or the guest system, using the same
sequence of steps to set up the bridge that work with the desktop
machines and wired ethernet.

On 11/17/12, Dan Gahlinger <dgahl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> actually that's exactly what you DO need to do.
> I do this myself with a wireless wlan interface and it works just fine.
> you need the bridge and attach to the TUN/TAP interface.and as the other
> post mentioned bridge the wlan interface
> the unreleased bridge port certainly will not keep the entire host from
> shutting down,I have no idea where you got such a crazy idea.
> it works just fine for the two systems I run this on wireless.
> I think this could even be made to work niceless on a raspberry pi rig.
> imagine that a vax-cluster of wireless embedded systems, very cool.
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