Laziness doesn't pay ..


For checking the DMR behavior I resorted to the 703 image distributed on the

The fact that the DMR version V022 didn't line out with the monitor version
703, to search for all versions of D8RINT in the archives; a few were found.

Since some distrust arose,  I decided to stay at the safe side and to create
a fresh 703 image with Decnet from the " officially" published distribution

There then surfaces a version V016 of D8RINT which matches the 703 monitor;
thus the published 703 medium (PaulAllen's) is somewhat spoiled with respect
to version consistency.


The D8RINT V016 compiles and links without flaw in a generated 703 monitor
system, but it crashes in the same place in DEFCIR under the same

Applying the same fix for it - insert a JCFL 0 noop before the status check
nullifying the skip return - as with 704 leads to the same ultimate
termination, in this case stopcode IME.

At least here, there is no race condition with respect to Unibus mapping so
that error in 704 is avoided.

It is probably created when startup components were integrated in one SYSINI
module in 704.

If that problem is tentatively fixed in the SYSINI in version 704 there is
the same kind of error as in 703.


Further stepping back to Tops10-702 at the moment seems to be not possible
as there currently are no 702 distribution media present. 


Best regards









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