Hi folks

A quick configuration question if I could be so bold. Ever since I can remember my startup script for the VAX 3900 has halted with an error:

msw@hpm:/usr/local/vax/bin$ sudo ./vax

VAX simulator V3.9-0
NVR: buffering file in memory
Eth: opened OS device eth3
Listening on port 2023 (socket 9)

KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
Performing normal system tests.

?80 2 17 FF 00 0000

P1=00000100  P2=00000000  P3=FFFFFFFF  P4=00000088  P5=00000000
P6=00000000  P7=00000000  P8=03FC0000  P9=303FFE00 P10=00001FFF
r0=00000000  r1=20088000  r2=00000000  r3=30400000  r4=03FF4000
r5=00000000  r6=04000000  r7=30000000  r8=80000000 ERF=80000000

Normal operation not possible.


Is this expected behaviour, or a configuration issue? I'd like to have the SIMH instance to boot into VMS automatically on server start up if possible, as I'm always forgetting to go in there and continue the boot process.

My configuration file is as below. Thanks for the help!



;add CPU microcode
load -r /usr/local/vax/data/ka655.bin
; Attach non-volatile RAM to a file
attach nvr /usr/local/vax/data/nvram.bin
; This virtual machine has 512m memory
set cpu 512m
; Define disk drive types. RA92 is largest-supported VAX drive.
set rq0 ra92
set rq1 ra92
;set rq2 ra92
set -B rq2 rauser=300000
;set -B rq3 rauser=20000
;set rq3 cdrom

; Attach defined drives to local files
attach rq0 /usr/local/vax/data/d0.dsk
attach rq1 /usr/local/vax/data/d1.dsk
attach rq2 /usr/local/vax/data/dsa3-archive.dsk
;attach rq3 /tmp/d3.dsk
; Attach the CD-ROM to its file (read-only)
;attach -r rq3 /usr/local/vax/data/vaxvmscd.iso
;attach -r rq3 /usr/local/vax/data/softwareproducts1.iso
;attach -r rq3 /usr/local/archive/OpenVMS/7.3-VAX/SPL1-VAXBINJUN043.iso

; Disable unused devices. It's also possible to disable individual devices,
; using a construction like "set rq2 disable" if desired.
set rl disable
set ts disable
; Attach Ethernet to a network interface
set xq mac=00-b0-19-b1-6f-84
attach xq eth1

set vh enable
att vh 2023

set cpu idle=VMS

set cpu conhalt
dep bdr 0

; Now start the emulator
boot cpu

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