On 27-Apr-15 14:43, Rhialto wrote:
> On Mon 27 Apr 2015 at 14:27:22 -0400, Timothe Litt wrote:
>> Trying to port TCP utilities to the -10 would be non-trivial.  Somewhere
>> there IS a C compiler for the -10.  But 36-bit words; 6, 7, 8 & 9 bit
>> chars;  location 0 being  a valid AC address and a few other endearing
>> attributes of the -10 do not make porting easy.  (Although the C
>> language in theory can deal with it.)
> For a while there was an attempt to make a port of NetBSD to the PDP-10.
> Its goal was (partly) I think to shake out various assumptions in the
> code that were less than portable. However the attempt was never
> completed, and at some point the code was dropped.
>> IP for TOPS-20 would be easier - except that there was no ethernet
>> support in Phase III.  And the KS TOPS-20 stopped there.  One could
> TOPS-20 on klh has TCP (and hence IP) in the Panda distribution.
Yes, because KLH emulates the KL; the KL has the KLNIA (ethernet
adapter) & a version of TOPS-20 that supports DECnet Phase IV.
SimH only emulates the KS, and TOPS-20 dropped support for the KS before
DECnet Phase IV. 

All my comments are in the context of SimH and the versions of
TOPS-10/-20 that it supports.

>   I
> improved klh to use tap/bridge devices (much like currently present in
> simh). Too bad there is nobody maintaining simh to integrate my patches
> officially.

SimH is maintained - perhaps you meant "nobody maintaining KLH"...

> -Olaf.

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