
I initially thought this was time-dependent, but that only seems to be when running the 1988 DEC bootstrap monitor.

[Loading from DSKB:NEWSYS.EXE[1,5]]

MINNIE 14-May-15
Why reload: halt
Date: 17-may-2015 ; (testing to see if date related, +1 helps sometimes)
Time: 16:38
Startup option: go

? No KMC-11 for KDP #0. ; (Doesn't affect it. to have it)

MINNIE 16:38:01 CTY system 4097
Connected to Node MINNIE(11) Line CTY
[Checking terminal type . . . found VT100]
.LOGIN 1,2

Nested indirect address limit exceeded, PC: 000000 (000020000000)

Interestingly, if I NOINITIA, then delete MIC.EXE from DEC: (as defined in SYSJOB.INI) the nested indirect address limit issue does not crop up.

I would assume it's a bug in the monitor except others have done slightly different installs without this issue being reported...and at a first glance that does not seem like a correct PC considering what was just happening.

Cory Smelosky
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