On Friday, May 22, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Cory Smelosky wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 2015, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

There were two issues here which only occur when UDP transport is being used:
1) A bug in the dmc attach command which has been fixed.
2) An a exp

> > Please elaborate by providing:
> > 1) config files for both sides.
> PDP10 side:
> sim> set kdp en
> sim> set dup en
> sim> at dup0 2107,Connect=,UDP
> Sockets: connect error 61 - Connection refused
> Invalid argument

This error is expected behavior due to an attempt to use the invalid structure 
of the attach arguments.


    The communication line performs input and output through a TCP session
    (or UDP session) connected to a user-specified port.  The ATTACH command
    specifies the port to be used as well as the peer address:

        sim> ATTACH DUP0 {interface:}port{,UDP},Connect=peerhost:port

    where port is a decimal number between 1 and 65535 that is not being
    used for other TCP/IP activities.

    Specifying symmetric attach configuration (with both a listen port and
    a peer address) will cause the side receiving an incoming
    connection to validate that the connection actually comes from the
    connecction destination system.
    A symmetric attach configuration is required when using UDP packet

    The default connection uses TCP transport between the local system and
    the peer.  Alternatively, UDP can be used by specifying UDP on the
    ATTACH command.

 The placement of the UDP argument is significant.

> VAX side:
> sim> set dmc lines=8
> sim> set dmc0 peer=
> sim> att dmc0 2108,UDP
> Sockets: connect error 61 - Connection refused
> Invalid argument

2) This problem was a bug in the dmc attach command which has now been fixed.

Thanks for the bug report.

- Mark

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