On Sat, Jun 06, 2015 at 07:27:51PM +0200, dott.Piergiorgio d' Errico wrote:
> Il 06/06/2015 18:10, Tom Morris ha scritto:
> >On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 6:41 AM, Bob Supnik <b...@supnik.org> wrote:
> >>Thanks for the simulator pointer, but no, I can't use it.
> >>
> >>SimH is licensed under an MIT/X11/do-anything-you-damned-well-want Open
> >>Source license. Andreas' is using GPL v2, which is viral and contaminating.
> >>I don't want SimH entangled with GPL v2 or v3 components. The lesser or
> >>library GPL v2 license is fine.
> >
> >It looks to me like the author switched from GPL v2 to MIT back in 2010.
> >
> >https://github.com/andysan/greenpea/commit/43ca86e351859d9187b5b0fe97698923c4641b57
> someone can clarify the contraddiction between what mr. Philgren and
> Mr. Morris re. greenpea PDP-12 emulator license ?

I haven't made a statement either way. I've mailed Andreas regarding license.

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