To clarify, this applies to GPLv2. I don't know a lot about GPLv3


On Sun, Jun 07, 2015 at 10:00:47AM +0200, Pontus Pihlgren wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 06, 2015 at 08:08:29PM -0400, Clem Cole wrote:
> > ​Without getting into the good/bad politics of the different 
> > license its pretty simple.
> I'd also like to avoid a good/bad discussion. I too use both.
> > The GPL is a "virus" which says that if you use the 
> > technology, a ny "derivitive work" ​ is not yours exclusively, ​ 
> > you must be willing to give the sources to not only the 
> > original but your work anyone that asks for it.  This means 
> > that if you use the technology you have to provide a way for 
> > people to get your source code.
> I believe there is a missconception here, perhaps on my part. 
> But the license is a issued by one party to one other.
> Lets call the issuer A and the other B.
> If A gives B a software product under GPL then A must provide 
> source code to B upon request. B has no obligations to anyone,
> not even if B modifies the code.
> A third party, lets call them C, has no rights to the product or 
> source, it's just when B gives the product to C that the 
> restrictions apply. And even then B has no obligations to A. Any 
> modifications made by B is only available to C upon request.
> GPL is a license to "protect" the user.
> /P
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