On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 11:18:34 +0200, Hans-Ulrich Hölscher
<hoelscher-kirchb...@freenet.de> wrote:
>>> That sounds like the really easy way to do it.   Does it copy>> track 0 of 
>>> RX01/02 floppies?> > I had some experience with RX01/02 floppies when 
>>> reviving LSX using> logical copies of the disks. Track 0 will be logically 
>>> at the very > end. The problem is with media size 256256: if the logical 
>>> block size> is 512,  two physical 128-byte sectors (the boot sectors) will 
>>> be> lost, and the logical copy will be 256000 bytes long.> > Leo
> I must admit I used my VMS MOUNT/FOR & COPY method only with RX50 floppies 
> and RD and RZ disks.
> Leo, what method did you use?
> I was quite sure my method catches ALL sectors ...

On some Unix V6, "od /dev/rx0" or similar was used, and the serial
console output was intercepted.
Disk devices are block devices (raw access to block devices not yet
invented, so no "/dev/rrx0" :( ), and the block size is 512, thus only
256000 bytes were returned.

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