Then I'll have to do it myself by hand, which from the manual doesn't look that 
I'll test the vb2py script but I won't hold my breath.
I'm not going to write my own to translate a paltry dozen or so programs (even 
if some of them are long).

I shudder at having to translate "goto" :)
But from the manual link I provided on vax basic, it doesn't look terribly bad.
I'll probably convert to freepascal which has portability to many platforms, 
and is the one I'm most familiar with.

Vax Basic was probably one of the easiest languages I've ever had to learn, in 
hindsight it was probably a bad idea to learn it
so early on, should have learned C instead...


Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 14:29:49 -0600
Subject: Re: [Simh] off-topic basic translator

It won't help you. If you look at the section "Untranslatable Language 
Features" it specifically mentions that MAP, COMMON, and FIELD, and MAT 
statements are not habdled.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Tom Morris <> wrote:
If you want to target Python, you might look at using something like vb2py as a 
starting point.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Dan Gahlinger <> wrote:

I was thinking of this one:
so definitely there was one, it's discontinued though.

I don't know what to do with MAP or MAT statements, otherwise I could do most 
of it myself.

C or C++ is not an ideal language, I was thinking of easier translations,
like say to freepascal or python, as they are most "basic like" in looks.
Strings as you say can be tough, but that's why pascal or even python is good,
strings are just strings.
basic was great for string manipulation because you could do literally anything.

I was kind of hoping someone might have a copy of the HP/compaq product listed 
I certainly don't want to buy it (though its discontinued so I can't) just to 
translate a dozen programs
that I wrote myself back in the 80's.

Update: it looks like I might be able to do it myself using this reference 


Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 12:29:01 -0600
Subject: Re: [Simh] off-topic basic translator

I don't think DEC ever did a translator, only compilers.

There used to be a company that sold one, but is definately wasn't free. Cannot 
remember their name.

I wrote a heafty part of a VaxBasic to C++ translater, but never handled MAP's 
or their like very well. It is useful to do a preliminary conversion, but then 
needs a lot of editing for most programs. Things like programd from "101 Basic 
Computer Games" mostly work without any problems. Nut it's been a while since I 
did anything with it.

Problems with the yranslations are mostly vaused by the way Basic handles 
variables, especially strings. C++ hastwo types of string (char* and 
std::string), but Basic has several different types mixed together. MAPs want a 
fixed length fixed position string which may overlap other strings. Normal 
nasic strings are variable length and variable position. FIELD statements can 
change a string from one type to another. It gets quite complicated without 
writing the DEC string library, which is quite complex.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Dan Gahlinger <> wrote:

Does anyone have or know where I can get a copy of the Vax Basic translator?
Especially for VMS or windows or something?

I'd like to convert my old Vax Basic programs to something usable on modern 
but while Vax Basic is simple enough there are a few things I have trouble with,
such as MAP statements, records, etc.

I've tried looking on the HP/etc sites and it seems it's been discontinued,

does anyone have a copy I can use, or know where I can get one?

I don't want to pay for a product, as this is just hobbyist use for personal 
programs I wrote




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