On Friday, September 11, 2015 at 14:01, Paul Koning wrote:

> It may be desirable to format or parse values differently for
> different registers.  As it stands, that's not possible because the
> function can't tell which register it's formatting.  [...] 
> Ideally one of the argments, for the register case, should point to
> the REG entry for the register in question.

I've run into this same problem with a new simulator I'm developing.  I've 
solved it (unofficially) by passing a set of user-defined register flags in 
the upper 16 bits of the radix parameter, i.e.:

-    (fprint_sym (ofile, rdx, &val, NULL, sim_switches | SIM_SW_REG) > 0))
+    (fprint_sym (ofile, (rptr->flags & REG_UFMASK) | rdx, &val,
+                 NULL, sim_switches | SIM_SW_REG) > 0))

...and the same for parse_sym.  It also needs this in sim_defs.h:

+#define REG_V_UF        16                       /* device specific */
+#define REG_UFMASK      (~((1u << REG_V_UF) - 1))

I considered passing a register pointer, but this method has two 

 - it's backward compatible, so no changes to calls in existing simulators
   are needed

 - it allows groups of registers to be handled easily

As an example, I have a "current instruction register" and a "next 
instruction register" that both need the same special treatment.  I tag 
both register definitions with a used-defined REG_IR value, and then in 
fprint_sym I need only test for the one flag value rather than two separate 
register-pointer values.

I was eventually going to get around to discussing this with Mark :-), but 
if you're running into the same problem, perhaps now is a good time.  I'm 
also not wedded to this approach if there's a cleaner option.

                                      -- Dave

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