On 12/23/15 5:09 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

As for your analysis:
Your explanation of branches seems somewhat over complicated. The instruction is indeed in just 8 bits, while 8 bits are the offset. However, there is no need to mess things up with one-complement, or tricks like that. The offset is an 8-bit value. Sign extend to 16 bits. Multiply by 2, and add to the updated PC. Simple as that. (Note that I said "updated PC". The PC will contain the address of the instruction after the branch before you start doing the calculation for the branch destination.)

OK. I think I figured out how to think about the BPL. Given the machine code:

037756  100376

It is a BPL instruction to the updated PC + (2 * offset). The offset is given as 376, in binary, sign extended 1 111 111 111 111 110, shifting it left to multiply by 2 (there's a carry out that we can ignore) results in 1 111 111 111 111 100. Adding the result to the updated PC, 037762, results in binary 0 011 111 111 110 010 (there's another carry out we can ignore). The math looks like this:

  1 111 111 111 111 100 (2 * offset 376 sign extended)
+ 0 011 111 111 110 010 (PC = 037762)
  0 011 111 111 101 110 (037756)

I can see that this is a better, simpler explanation and more in line with how the machine processes the instruction.



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