> On Dec 31, 2015, at 2:19 PM, Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not able to figure out what devices to enable in SimH PDP-11 to get 
> multiple telnet connections in RSTS/E 9.6.
> I'm using a PDP-11/73 with 4megs of memory and I have the console configured:
> I am able to telnet into port 10000. It works as a login terminal no problem.
> But, then I also tried to set up some DZ11 lines to support additional logins 
> over local telnet:
> ATTACH DZ  10001
> but these don't seem to be picked up by RSTS/E. SimH let's me connect via 
> telnet to ports 10001-10007, but RSTS/E does not respond in the telnet 
> session. I reviewed my sysgen for RSTS/E and it doesn't appear to have a DZ11 
> peripheral configuration section. My sense is that RSTS/E doesn't support 
> DZ11s.
> Here is the relevant section of the sysgen:
> Accept Peripheral defaults ?    <N >
> ---snip disk drives, paper tape, etc.
> DMC11's/DMR11's ?               <00>
> DMV11's/DMP11's ?               <00>
> IBM 3271 or 2780/3780 simultaneous links ?      <00>
> RJ2780 support ?                <N >
> In looking at the AA-2669J-TC_RSTS-E_System_Installation_and_Update_Guide.pdf 
> file, page 49. It has this to say about the IBM 3271 or 2780/3780 option 
> (sounds like an alternative device to the DZ?):
> Explanation - Each KMC-11 microprocessor controls one DUP11 synchronous line 
> interface to the 3271 or 2780/3780 host... and so on.
> My questions are:
> Does SimH support the KMC-11/DUP11 pairing somehow?
> Or is there another suitable device available in SimH for providing access to 
> RSTS/E via telnet?
> If so, what are the device names on the SimH side and the RSTS/E side of 
> things?

KMC/DUP are used for the 2780 emulation feature, which is a rather obscure 
layered product -- I don't know anything about it.

As of RSTS V9.0, if memory serves, terminal configuration is no longer set 
during Sysgen.  Instead, the monitor contains drivers for each supported 
terminal interface, and these are loaded at startup according to what hardware 
was found.

When you boot the system (at the "Start timesharing" prompt) enter "hardware 
list" to confirm that the DZ11s were indeed seen:

Start timesharing? <Yes> HA LI

  Name  Address Vector  Comments
  TT0:   177560   060   
  RL0:   174400   160   Units: 0(RL01) 1(RL01)
  RM0:   177440   210   Units: 0(RK06) 1(RK06) 2(RK06) 3(RK06) 4(RK06) 5(RK06)
                               6(RK06) 7(RK06)
  RU0:   172150  P340   RQDX3   Units: 0(RA82) 1(RA82) 2(RD54) 3(RX50)
  MU0:   174500  P344   TK50    Units: 0(TK50) 1(TK50) 2(TK50) 3(TK50)
  TU0:   172440   224   BAE=+034, Units: 0(TE16 @TM03 #0) 1(TE16 @TM03 #0) 
  TC0:   177340   214
  LP0:   177514   200
  DZ0:   160100   300   Sub-lines: 8
  DZ1:   160110   310   Sub-lines: 8
  DZ2:   160120   320   Sub-lines: 8
  DZ3:   160130   330   Sub-lines: 8
  XE0:   174510   120   DELUA Address: 08-00-2B-CC-DD-EE

  KW11L  177546   100
  SR     177570
  DR     177570

  Hertz = 60.

  Other: FPU, SL, 22-Bit, Data space, Cache w/address, System ID = 4660

Option: <Start> 

Next... I don't know why you expected telnet ports 10001-10007 to be active 
when you attached 10001.  The attach command sets up just that TCP port number 
as one SIMH listens to, serving all the mux ports behind it.  So you should be 
able to telnet to the port you specified multiple times, and when you do, SIMH 
should tell you that you're now connected to some port:

pkoning$ telnet localhost 9999
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Connected to the PDP-11 simulator DZ device, line 1

RSTS P10.1-L 31-Dec-15 02:41 PM
User: 1,211
Last interactive login on 31-Dec-15, 02:41 PM at KB5:
Last non-interactive login on 02-Apr-15, 04:31 PM
2 other users are logged in under this account


The other point to remember is that RSTS expects to do auto baud on all ports 
other than 0, in the standard setup at least.  So you need to enter RETURN 
twice before you get the login prompt.
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