On Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 22:52, Random832 wrote:

> Like I said in another post, it might be useful to have SIMH on Windows
> do some kind of interpretation (maybe to emulate a simple real CRT
> terminal such as a VT-52 or an ADM-3A) on output control characters
> rather than passing them through.

Undoubtedly, it would be helpful if each simulated machine had a built-in 
terminal emulator pertinent to that machine.  Your suggestion would be a 
useful addition to the DEC console simulator.

Terminals, being generally machine-specific though, typically would be of 
little use to other systems.  The HP 264x-series of terminals were very 
popular on 1980s HP systems, but their command sets were utterly different 
from the VT or ADM terminals and hence of very limited use on DEC systems 
(and vice versa).

                                      -- Dave

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