
On 2016-01-09 17:58, Will Senn wrote:

Having very vague recollects of having ever seen a real VT100, I came
across the following picture while doing some research on RT-11:


I was surprised a little by the color of the text. In my minds eye, I
had imagined either Amber or Green on black (the default on my Terminal
windows). To my real eye, it looks blue. Given that the orange, manilla,
and brown of the case look believable, it would seem that the VT100 had
blue text. Is this correct and is it the only color of text on the
machine? Does anyone know the hex RGB values?

The white balance in that picture is off. That is "white" text. VT100 were (as far as I can remember) also available with green and amber, but white was definitely most common.

A little more on topic and I've asked this question differently in the
past, but now I think I have a better formulation of the question - are
there SimH compatible video terminal simulators available and listed
somewhere? The image of the VT100 made me think that interacting with a
graphically detailed simulated VT100 attached to SimH is a qualitatively
different experience than attaching a modern xterm telnet session to
SimH and the same would be true for a VT11, a GT40 (see link below), or
any of the terminals.


I still have a hankering to play a graphic version of lunar lander or
spacewar on my Macbook Pro on an OS that I administer :).

Using a real VT100, or an xterm (or whatever) gives you pretty much the same experience.

You cannot play Lunar Lander on a VT100. For that you would need a GT40.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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