On 2016-02-02 15:22, Johnny Billquist wrote:
On 2016-02-02 15:07, Will Senn wrote:

On 2/1/16 5:33 PM, Will Senn wrote:

Does anyone know where I could find copy of a Pascal manual for RSX
11? Preferably Pascal version 1.3. I'm running it on RSX 11 v4.6 in
SimH and the PAS> prompt is singularly unrevealing about how it is
used (CTRL-D will exit though, which is better than the alternative).

This is the tape for the pascal that I've installed:


OK. So I searched help (after building a new environment that worked
properly) and figured out it's some kind of interactive pascal compiler
that can also be run as a command line. So, I compiled a pascal file
from the command line and lo and behold, it produced a nice looking
object file. But, when I tried to link it as is, it appears to depend on
an external library. This makes perfect sense, but raises a couple of
questions that I'm hoping y'all might could answer:

"Interactive" meaning you can either get a prompt, and compile several
files while running the compiler, or just do one file at the time and
stop/start the compiler each time, I guess.

But yes, for any language that you want to link, you need to language
specific library included.

1. What's the name/location of the file(s) containing the pascal
delivered external functions (write, print, etc)?

Not sure, but I would suspect it would be LB:[1,1]PASLIB.OLB, but just
do a DIR LB:[1,1]PAS*.OLB, and you should spot it.

2. If you recall a typical Pascal workflow with RSX-11M Plus, what was
it (or was it simply, edit, compile, and link to the above referenced

That is normally how you do it with any language.
That said, if you have a little more complex software system, you
usually create a couple of command files containing commands, so that
you don't have to type it all each time.

So, for PASCAL, you might have a COMPILE.CMD, which holds the arguments
you give to the PASCAL compiler, and then you'd just do PAS @COMPILE

And then the same for the linking/task building. Maybe called LINK.CMD,
and then you'd do TKB @LINK

TKB have a lot of functions and features, and having to type it all in
every time is tedious and error prone. Much better to have that in a
file, which you just use.

All that said - assuming the PASCAL library is LB:[1,1]PASLIB.OLB, a simple commandline would be:



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