Hi. Afraid I am unaware of any attempts to OCR or retype the documentation.

It's a pet peeve of mine, but most other people around here seem to prefer bitmaps of scans of the documentation. So I don't really expect anything to happen there.

How were the systems installed? For PDP-11 systems, you normally had a tape system, or some smaller removable disk. You started the installation system on that device, and then that thing helped you to install the full system on your system disk.

Unix is a little more complicated.


On 2016-02-05 23:50, Zachary Kline wrote:
Hi All,

So the recent RSTS/E discussion has got me wondering what OS’s I might be able 
to run under SIMH with readable documentation. As a totally blind enthusiast I 
can’t really use the Bitsavers collection without manually running OCR on the 
PDFs, a tedious and error-prone process.
I’m aware VMS is recent enough to have a lot of its documentation available in 
an electronic format, but I’m curious if there’s anything else out there.
I’ve recently downloaded several .tap files for RSTS and Tops-20, for instance, 
but have been running into trouble when booting them.
I guess I’m just curious how a lot of these systems were installed.

Has any work been done on retyping some of the documentation?
Thanks much,
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