On 2016-02-16 14:33, Paul Koning wrote:

On Feb 16, 2016, at 6:49 AM, Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se> wrote:

On 2016-02-16 07:57, Wilm Boerhout wrote:
Zane Healy schreef op 15-2-2016 om 18:20:


There are plenty of good VAX and VMS manuals out there, including the
documentation set.  Check eBay and abebooks.com.

The last version of VMS that will run on a VAX is v7.3.

More precisely, V7.3 will run on *any* VAX, including the primal
VAX-11/780. This level of backwards compatibility is unique.

No, it is not. Talk to IBM about S/360... :-)

Nor is it unique at DEC.  Consider RT-11.  And possibly RSX-11/M (I don't know 
that one well enough -- does it run on an 11/20?)

Yes, unmapped RSX-11M would run on an 11/20. So you could claim that RSX-11M is runnable on almost any PDP-11 ever made. Of course, you would not be able to do program development on all of those platforms, but you could deploy an application.

But RSX-11M in some ways feels and behaves rather different if you have an MMU or not. So it would not give the same uniform feeling like VMS or RT-11 would.


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