The "Unofficial CP/M web site" has a PL/M compiler. I don't know if it's
close to anything you're looking for.  it'S  listed with the following

Here is the source to the Intel PLM compiler. It is written in Fortran
(66), and is supposed to be pretty clean.
It compiles correctly with gcc's g77 on Linux. However, it is not the
version required to compile CP/M 2.2 or 3.0. It works well, but lacks
support for external definitions and some PLM constructs, as required by
the DR source.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Clem Cole <> wrote:

> below
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Armistead, Jason BIS <
>> wrote:
>> Sorry for this off-topic posting, but with all the recent talk about
>> Intel’s history of x86 development, I was wondering whether there are any
>> “Intel connected” people around here who might know what happened to the
>> source code for Intel’s PL/M-86, ASM86 and iAPX-86 Utilities (LINK86,
>> LOC86, LIB86, CREF86 and OH86).  The manuals for many of these are on
>> Bitsavers.
> ​I've wondered the same.​
>> PL/M-86 was never (to my knowledge)
> ​I thought Seattle Computer ​products used it to write some of DOS-86,
> which they later sold to Gates (which became DOS).
>> We also used PL/M-80 under ISIS-II on Intel’s iPDS and MDS-80 development
>> workstations, PL/M-80 under iSIM85 ISIS-II emulator on DOS/Windows
>> 16/32-bit, as well as PL/M-51 under DOS/Windows 16/32-bit.  There were also
>> PL/M-286 and PL/M-386 varieties, and possibly PL/M-48 (?) though I never
>> personally used them.
> I believe that all of the Intel tools were in FTN in those days - the
> assembler, tools and PL/x.
> I once had some of them I looked a while ago, but I have long lost track
> of the sources.​
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