On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Bob Supnik <b...@supnik.org> wrote:

> MDL sources for Dungeon are online here:
> http://simh.trailing-edge.com/games/zork-mdl.zip
> /Bob

​Thanks Bob.  While its different then trying to get MDL run again, if you
want to be a retro gamer -  I believe the Fortran version of Zork (called
Dungeon), plus the the original Fortran Adventure sources are in the same
directory:  http://simh.trailing-edge.com/games/.   The Fortran versions
are known to compile and run with the current Intel compiler - which to
quote Rich Grove: "has a bunch of the DEC (Gem) compiler DNA ground up and
injected into it."

I am under the impression that both Dungeon and Adventure are part of the
Intel compiler test suite (as they were for the DEC compilers), so I
suspect they will even run on on modern Mac's, Linux and Window's boxes if
you set the FTN value in the makefile to point to fort (which you can get a
free noncommercial license for if you poke around the Intel websites).

FYI: gfortran ​might work but I can not claim to have tried it, while I
have personally run them both with ifort on my Mac to show my kids what
computer games once looked like (I'm not sure if they were disgusted or
amazed, but I did find when he was 16, my now 20 year, son playing
adventure - i.e. it did suck him in - even he had been part of the Wii,
Xbox and Nintendo generation.   I think he was more impressed that I still
had an adventure Map in a file cabinet that was created on computer printer
paper.   That said, I'm not sure my daughter (a CS professional these days)
was as entranced.

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