Sigh. No matter how many times I re-read before sending, it doesn't matter. 
Let me expand on this:

>1. in /etc/rc.local, I have this snippet to make sure the network tap device 
>need is ready to go:
>if ! ip link show tap0 ; then
>  tunctl -t tap0
>  ifconfig tap0 up
>  brctl addif br0 tap0
>Here, tap0 is the device I am setting up for my virtual VAX and br0 is my
>physical interface. (As a reminder, going through this rather than putting
>simh directly on the physical interface is what enables your virtual VAX and
>your Debian host to talk to each other.)

Actually, of course, br0 is a bridge device that lets me connect tap0 to my 
physical interface. I have this in /etc/network/interfaces:

# The bridge interface

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
        bridge_ports eth1
        address X.Y.Z.3
        broadcast X.Y.Z.255
        gateway X.Y.Z.1

That is, if you current specify a device (like eth1) directly, transfer its 
settings to br0 and attach the original NIC as a bridge port. [Or change 
instances of "eth1" to "br0", then add the "bridge_ports eth1" line.] Then 
continue as I originally described...


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