That would be much appreciated. The following are of particular interest to me:

XUSMA - XVM Unichannel
LMALA - XVM Macro15
LMLAA - XVM Mac11 (PDP11 assembler)
ULLUA - XVM linking loader

If this is too much, priority is top to bottom.


/Bob Supnik

On 3/15/2016 1:31 PM, Mattis Lind wrote:
We have a bunch of documents related to PDP-15 and XVM/DOS. Some of them does not appear to be present on bitsavers. If there are interest we will try to make an effort and have them scanned.

The documentation was the only thing that remained from the PDP-15 installation at Standard Radio & Telefon (part of the ITT company) that was used for development of the ATC (Automatic Train Control) system.


2016-03-15 17:46 GMT+01:00 Bob Supnik < <>>:

    I've pulled together the hardware pieces for the PDP-15/76 (PDP-15
    with UC15 PDP-11 IO processor), so now it's time to consider what
    software can be run.

    The most likely candidate is XVM/DOS-15. While vanilla DOS-15 had
    UC15 support at some point, neither a complete source kit nor the
    appropriate restore DECtape images seem to be available. The
    XVM/DOS-15 kit has all required DECtapes, but it lacks the
    paper-tape elements. Fortunately, these exist in source form in
    the XVM/DOS-15 source kit.

    ABSL11 - a PDP-15 read-in mode tape that allows PDP-11 absolute
    binary tapes to be read into shared memory and moved to private
    memory. (This is not strictly necessary, because the PDP-11 side
    has its "hardware" binary loader via the LOAD command.) This is
    used to load PIREX. It must be assembled on the PDP-15.

    PIREX - a PDP-11 absolute mode tape that runs the PDP-11 IO
    executive. It has to be assembled on an -11, so the source must be
    loaded into an RT11 system, assembled, and punched out as a binary
    paper tape image. It's possible that the macro11 cross assembler
    could be used instead.

    DOSSAV - a PDP-15 binary tape that restores a distribution kit
    (usually two DECtapes) to RF, RP, or RK disk. It must be assembled
    on the PDP-15. It uses PIREX.

    RKBOOT - a PDP-15 read-in mode tape that uses PIREX to boot a
    PDP-15 operating system off the RK15 (an 18b RK11). It must be
    assembled on the PDP-15. It uses PIREX.

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