> On 21 Apr 2016, at 01:00, Sampsa Laine <samp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 21 Apr 2016, at 00:56, Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se> wrote:
>> This is not a "small" thing. This would be a huge effort if really wanted 
>> this to become ubiquitous. And I still fail to see the point. We've 
>> basically established that binary files will still not work, so we're down 
>> to text files. Why all these extra steps for something that can be done with 
>> already existing tools?
> Binary files COULD work if we store the file metadata in another file..
> The structure of the metadata file would depend on the host OS but SIMH 
> doesn’t

I meant the guest OS determines the structure of the metadata. SIMH just knows 
that it goes into an associated file, just like the resource forks in 
“netatalk” - the UNIX box running the AFP server doesn’t give a crap, it just 
stores the extra Mac OS stuff in another file.


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