On Sat, 30 Apr 2016 21:03:35 +0200
Jörg Hoppe <j_ho...@t-online.de> wrote:

> The header line says it all: another panel for BlinkenBone is there,
> the classic PDP-11/20.
> In function and style it fills the gap between the PDP-8 and the
> later PDP-11's.
> The GitHub distribution starts the 1970 Paper-tape BASIC, download
> here: https://github.com/j-hoppe/BlinkenBone/releases
> For info see
> http://retrocmp.com/projects/blinkenbone/simulated-panels/253-blinkenbone-simulated-pdp-11-20-panel
> and next page.

Thank you! That was the first PDP-11 I ever used (and programmed in

I ran DOS/BATCH and also RT-11. And I also ran a UNIX system on it.

Now I possess an 11/23, an 11/84 and two others!

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