On 26 May 2016 at 16:46, Bob Supnik <b...@supnik.org> wrote:
> AFAIK, there's no emulator for the System/1. I've looked at it several
> times, but it's a typical IBM mess - overly complicated for what it's
> supposed to do. I didn't know of any surviving software, either (except now
> DoD's), so there was never any real motivation to work on an emulator.
> Perhaps DoD would like to sponsor one . ;)
With regards to System/1 software, try approaching the Hercules
emulator crowd and/or the IBMMAIN mailing list; similarly ask the UNIX
archivists people (TUG I think they're called?). Since the first
"official" mainframe UNIX was IX/370 ported by IBM and AT&T, which
required System/1 front ends for terminal handling.

If I recall Amdahl's UTS came out later (and was actually not as
kludge-y), and then AIX/370 was IBM's next mainframe UNIX offering.

Other than that... well you could FOIA and see what happens. You
assuredly won't get your hands on what keeps the Minuteman III silos
ticking, but eh you might get some miscellaneous "stuff."

Christian M. Gauger-Cosgrove
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