I'm the current maintainer of the PiDP-8/I software project
<https://tangentsoft.com/pidp8i/wiki?name=Home>. I've been going through
the files we distribute to make sure we have proper licenses for them and
have come up short on a few things: the TSS-8 and ETOS disk images. I've
simply been unable to find any indication online that they were ever
licensed for free redistribution.

I'm posting here because this list was recommended as a place where someone
might know whether these OSes were ever formally licensed for free

Since TSS-8 was a DEC product, I'm hoping that it was released under the
"hobbyist" licenses they offered at some point. I expect I could sign up
for the current OpenVMS hobbyist license, but I have no interest in
agreeing to it just to see if it covers this software. Perhaps someone who
has agreed to it could confirm this guess? The web site seems to just talk
about VMS, which I have no interest in.

As for ETOS, that wasn't a DEC product, so I have no better guess for where
to go trying to find a license for it other than web search engines, and
I've already struck out there.
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