Don't be discouraged from posting.  Nothing wrong with a quick hack. 
They do tend to have a longer than intended life, and considering the
range of experience on the list, I thought it worth taking a couple of
minutes to suggest a more robust implementation.

I did restrain myself and did not point out how to provide command line
arguments (foreign or DCL command table), create a VMS help file,
internationalize messages or build a VMSINSTAL (or PCSI) kit :-) It is,
after all, a QUICK hack...

Later hardware uses FLASH parts, which aren't socketed (well, very
rarely), so even for people who have the hardware skills to remove ROMs,
there's a future use for a utility.  Plus, it works in simulation :-)

On 18-Mar-17 21:01, Rick Murphy wrote:
> On 3/18/2017 12:23 PM, Timothe Litt wrote:
>> Even though someone found a utility for the 8200, a program like this
>> is handy for other machines (and device roms).
>> A good outline of the essentials of PFN (and file) mapping, but for
>> general use...
> Timothe, well spotted (I actually noticed the lack of $close when
> posted, and said, oh well... it does the job.)
> However, remind me to never post any quick hack here ever again. :)
> This was used to pull an image of the ROM, initially to probe the code
> with VMS PATCH, eventually to dupe the ROM. In the end, it was easier
> to just pull the ROMs and duplicate them.
>     -Rick

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