Oh, hang on. 'boot tq0' is surely not correct. You do 'boot cpu' and
then specify the boot device in a console command.

On Sat, 23 Sep 2017 00:10:12 +0200
Dario Niedermann <da...@darioniedermann.it> wrote:

> Hello! I'm running "VAX 8600 simulator V4.0-0 Beta" (git commit id:
> c8a420ad) on a Linux/x86_64 host. I've installed 4.3BSD Quasijarus
> on an empty RA90-sized disk image, following the instructions at:
>       <http://www.tavi.co.uk/unixhistory/quasijarus.html>
> But I could never get the VAX 8600 emulator to boot...
> From TQ0, attached to the .tap file provided at the site, emulator
> says "Command not allowed" when I give 'boot tq0'. 'sho tq all'
> returns "Controller is not initialized", while 'sho tq' outputs:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> TQ      TU81 (180MB), address=2013F940-2013F943, no vector, BR5, 4
> units
>   TQ0   attached to /home/ndr/lib/emu/quastape.tap, read only,
> write locked, SIMH format
>         capacity=188MB
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is this due to the .tap file being (probably) made with the
> MicroVAX 3900 emulator?
> Issuing 'boot rq0', the emulator's output is:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Loading boot code from internal vmb.exe
> loading boot
> ra(0,0,0,34): bad adaptor number
> boot failed
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is it because I used the MicroVAX 3900 emulator to install BSD on the
> virtual ra0?
> TIA for any help...

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