And oops. A small error managed to sneak by causing WWW to sometimes crash with a memory error when a bad request comes in.

Fixed, and a new dist have been cut and uploaded. Please update again if you already managed to dpwnload it since the announcement, but before now.


On 2017-10-08 21:34, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Time for a new release announcement of TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS.

This release contains a lot of fixes and improvements in many areas.
There is one very serious bug in TCP that is fixed in this release which
is why I really encourage people to upgrade.


- Stability and reliability improvements in TCP.
- Improved SPOOF detection.
- Improved stability.

Detailed information on things that have been done since the last release:

Installation process:
- The IPGEN script now more smoothly handles updates to an existing

Ethernet driver:
- Improved driver reset handling.
- Implemented MTU backoff in ethernet driver, to handle unpatched DEC
XU: driver.

- At socket close time, if there were pending packets to process still
in the socket, the system pool could become corrupted, causing a crash
at some random later time.
- Add more spoof processing for suspicious connections.

- Improved error handling for not logged in clients.

- Implemented spoof processing for connections which looks suspicious.

- Implemented spoof processing for connections which looks suspicious.

Mail client:
- Added basic hooks for extending mail to deal with several folders
(still not complete).

As usual, the distribution is available from:

The documentation is also available through ftp on Mim, or also at

The firewall for Mim have now been removed, so no need for the alternate
ports, but Mim is still listening to the alternate ports as well.
ftp: 10021
telnet: 10023

As a final word about this release. As always things progress with time,
but I think it's safe to say by now that BQTCP is now a very stable
TCP/IP with almost all features one can expect. There might always be
some more work on the lower level protocols, but at this point, expect
that most work and updates will be more and more on various daemons and
If there is anything in particular anyone is looking for, let me know.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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