On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Gregg Levine <gregg.drw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> Good to know. Now it complains from the FileZilla console, with a 530
> error message of "Stop connecting frequently". Huh? It's not as if I'd
> repeatedly tried to connect.

I recently got this behavior from another FTP site in Germany with
classic computer content.  Each click is a new FTP session, and about
5 clicks in, my IP got auto-banned for a large number of minutes.
Same with using wget.  First few files were fine, then banned.

> I gave up from the web browser, and
> waited until I saw your message and set up my normal FTP device on
> Windows, and then tried.

Right.  I switched to an FTP client and had no problems (on that other
site) getting whatever I needed.

> I suspect that the site is having a bad day.

I suspect there's a new feature in FTP servers (since the last time I
set one up) that defaults to this behavior.  Perhaps it's to impede
simple bots from siphoning off content.

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