On 11/2/17 10:07 AM, Will Senn wrote:
On 11/1/17 11:57 PM, Ray Jewhurst wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has a pre-built RT-11 with Fortran IV installed that they could send. I followed multiple tutorials on installing it and I always am unsuccessful. Someone sent me one about a year ago but I lost it in a hard drive crash. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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I am at work, or I'd try to throw an image together for you. I'll look at this tonight. In the meantime, I have some notes on how to do it that should hold up even though I wrote then a couple of years ago. There are two - one for RT11 and one for the programming environment. If you follow them both, you should wind up with a working RT11 v5.3 with Fortran IV that is capable of building the ADVENT source code into a working program. After that you're on your own - I'm not a RT11 guy or a Fortran guy :)

RT11 note:


Fortran and programming environment note:


Now that my interest is tweaked, I may clean 'em up and post them on my blog in a more readable form.



GPG Fingerprint: 68F4 B3BD 1730 555A 4462  7D45 3EAA 5B6D A982 BAAF


I went through the notes and they worked ok... a few minor glitches, but they still worked :). For anyone who wants it, here is a simh pdp11 rt11v5.3 that has basic, pascal, and fortran iv prepared according to my notes:




GPG Fingerprint: 68F4 B3BD 1730 555A 4462  7D45 3EAA 5B6D A982 BAAF

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