> On Jan 25, 2018, at 4:18 PM, Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se> wrote:
> Exabytes?
> I know there was some people who thought they couldn't do variable size 
> reocrds, but that is actually incorrect. They can. It might be wasting space 
> on the underlying tape or something, I don't know. But I certainly had 
> Exabytes connected to VAXen and PDP-11s, and used the normal DEC tools to 
> play around, and Exabytes behaves just like any other tape drive, in all 
> aspects.
>  Johnny

Back when the Alpha in question was an AlphaStation 200 4/233, it had an 
Exabyte EXB-10 tape library hooked to it with at the time “massive” 5GB tapes. 
:-)  At that time my max disk size was 2GB, and I could still buy new Exabyte 
tapes.  I have a SCSI box with a Exabyte 8500 drive and a CD-ROM drive setup to 
hook to any DEC system that needs it.

The Alpha also has a TLZ06 drive installed in it, and a TZ30 and DLT7000 drive 
that can be hooked up.

So if I cared to trust old tape drives, I have options for my backups.  I 
don’t, so I’m looking to go virtual.


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