Hi All

The Release 3 of the IBM 650 computer simulator is available from the Computer 
History Simulation Project (SIMH) site: https://github.com/simh/simh

This release comes with FORTANSIT, the first FORTRAN port.

According to Bob Bemer (https://www.bobbemer.com/FTRANSIT.HTM) :

FORTRAN            (704)     1957 June
FORTRANSIT      (650)     1957 August (just 2 months later)
FORTRAN            (705)     1958 September

As Fortran I for IBM 704 is lost, FORTANSIT becomes the oldest working Fortran 
compiler available on SimH.

In the sw/fortransit directory there are several source programs examples and 
the necessary scripts to run then.

This is a summary of what's new

*         New Hardware support:

o   IBM 653 Storage Unit: provides machine opcodes for Floating Point, 
Immediate Access Storage (IAS), Three Index registers, Cards Punch-read 
synchronizers 2 and 3.

*         New Software included:

o   FORTRANSIT: version II (S), plus run time PACKAGE with standard Fortran 

o   Reorganized sw directory, separating each language in its own folder. Each 
one Includes a 00_readme.txt file with restoration notes and comments.

*         New features:

o   Support for SOAP opcode mnemonics in addition to regular IBM mnemonics

o   FAST / REALTIME CPU options

o   PROP pseudo register

o   CARDDECK ECHOLAST command to display last n read cards that are in the 
simulated input take hopper

Any comments/suggestions are very welcome.



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