> On Nov 15, 2018, at 10:21 AM, Mark Pizzolato <m...@infocomm.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 6:32 AM, Paul Koning wrote:
>> I just installed NetBSD/VAX V8 on SIMH.  The documentation mentions "set
>> cpu idle=netbsd", but it doesn't work -- I'm stuck at 100% CPU.
>> I'm running it on the microvax3900 simulator, if that makes a difference.  
>> Any
>> ideas?
> I thought this had gotten settled a long time ago.  
> At one point, the BSD code that implemented what the OS does when there is 
> nothing else to do got changed from how things were done in earlier BSD 
> kernels.  The big change seemed to align with when SMP support was added to 
> the kernel to support other (non VAX) architectures.  This restructuring 
> created some platform specific routine which existed to do what was good on 
> that platform while idling.  As it turned out, what was initially implemented 
> in the VAX specific code that did that was operationally indistinguishable 
> from other code running elsewhere in the OS, and given that on those kernel 
> versions idling wasn't possible under simh.  Someone (I don't recall who) had 
> come along and complained about this and after explaining the issue, I 
> suggested that if the VAX specific routine were changed to do something that 
> wasn't done anywhere else in the OS simh idling support could once again 
> work.  When I was poking around, I observed that nothing in any BSD kernel 
> used IPL 1 for anything, so I suggested that the kernel idle routine could 
> set IPL to 1 could be an indicator that simh could detect and properly idle.  
> The party who had complained passed this suggestion back as a VAX platform 
> specific patch and it ultimately was included in the kernel and it worked for 
> subsequent versions.
> Maybe this change has gotten removed from the VAX specific BSD code in recent 
> versions, or maybe something else is going on with your simh configuration 
> that is interfering with idling.
> I can't find a VAX platform NetBSD 8.0 ISO image, or I'd have checked out 
> what is happening before writing this.  If you can make the disk image and 
> your configuration file available for me.  I'll explore the details and let 
> you know what is happening.

I just followed these instructions: 
http://www.netbsd.org/ports/vax/emulator-howto.html using the 8.0 image found 
via the link on that page.


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