The 8200 (V11) doesn't have a console processor; the console is implemented in microcode (as in the F11/J11) and some macrocode (as in MicroVAX II). That's one of the reasons the V11's microstore was 15KW, plus a 1 KW patch store, and MicroVAX II's was 1.6KW, with no patch store. (The other drivers of V11 microword consumption were the string, decimal, and soft floating instructions.) V11 and MicroVAX II have essentially identical microwords, although the capabilities of the main data path differ slightly, particularly around shifting.

I did not work on the V11 microcode directly. Close to release, when it was clear that the patch store would be half empty, I developed a patch to optimize CALL/RET using techniques lifted from the 8800 (Nautilus) microcode; these were also included in CVAX. I don't have a listing of the V11 microcode.


On 4/6/2019 6:14 PM, wrote:
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2019 18:20:37 +0100
From: Matt Burke<>
To: Simh Trailing-Edge Mailing List<>
Subject: [Simh] VAX 8200/8250
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Here is a new simulator for the VAX 8200/8250 systems. Most of the key
features are there including the DWBUA BI-Unibus adapter which allows
all the existing Unibus devices to be used. The console RX50 is also

The console processor is not simulated so it uses the same VMB trick as
the VAX-11/7xx simulators i.e. you boot directly from a device "boot
rq0" rather than "boot cpu".

You can get the code from:

And Windows executable from:

Please try it out and let me know how you get on.


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