I have most, if not all, RSX symposium tapes.
I think I have a few RT-11 tapes as well.

But I got some of them from Tim Shoppa a long time ago. And he has them on trailing-edge as well. There you'll find both the RSX and RT-11 tapes as well as a bunch of PDP-10 stuff.


On 2019-12-29 05:49, Michael Kerpan wrote:
Good luck. I've been looking for old DECUS tapes as well. At least some of them used to be online, but they've disappeared over the last 5-10 years. An interesting project would to get tape images, sort through them and create an emulator-friendly "best of" tape with various games and programs that would be fun and interesting for a new user setting up a virtual PDP-11 for the first time.


On Sat, Dec 28, 2019, 11:05 PM Dave Shevett <shev...@pobox.com <mailto:shev...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    I saw a couple posts about people who had access to old DECUS
    archives.  This is a long shot, but I might as well ask.

    When I was a wee undergrad at RIT, I sucked as a student, but I loved
    coding games.  I wrote a couple games that ran under VMS - they were
    all in BASIC (whichever variant of BASIC was active on VMS in 1982),
    but used the ReGIS graphics library for doing games on the terminals.

    One was called Labyrinth, and I'm pretty sure it outlasted my tenure
    there.  A dungeon crawling game.

    The other might have just been called Trek.  Used a custom font loaded
    into the ReGIS graphics lib and had little starships and stuff in it.
    IT was a rewrite of one of the old Creative Computing games.

    I don't suppose ya'll have seen either of these around, and if so, can
    send me the source code?  That would be a major goal of mine to get
    those running again.


-- Dave Shevett
    shev...@pobox.com <mailto:shev...@pobox.com>
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