Awesome, Roberto. My sincere congrats for this beautiful work.

Cordiales saludos / Best Regards / Salutations / Freundliche Grüße
Sergio Pedraja
Senior Technician in Computer Science, Systems Administration, and
Information Security. MBA. Qualified occupational trainer.

El sáb., 16 may. 2020 12:36, Sancho Villa, Roberto <>

> Hi All
> The Release 4 of the IBM 650 computer simulator is available from the
> Computer History Simulation Project (SIMH) site:
> This release is focused on Disk and Tape devices.
> I’ve recovered some interesting software, ready to test in SW/ directory
> ·         Donald Knuth SuperSoap: the most advanced assembler IMHO, full
> of nice programming tricks like a subroutine computing return address!
> ·         Regional Assembler from Missile Systems Division Lockheed
> Aircraft Corporation: Seems to be very similar to IBM 701 Regional
> Assembler: no mnemonics!, just regions to allow code to be at non-absolute
> addresses
> On the hardware side, still unimplemented the inquiry stations, as I’ve
> spotted no sw at all that use them. Any help is welcome.
> Any comment/suggestion is also very welcome.
> Best regards
> Roberto
> This is a summary of what’s new
> o    New Hardware support:
> §  IBM 650 Model 4 with 4000 words drum memory.
> §  IBM 652 Control Unit: provides up to 6 tape units IBM 727
> §  Table LookUp on equal feature (provides TLE opcode)
> §  IBM 355 RAMAC Disk Storage
> o    New Software included:
> §  SOAP IIA-4000 multipass assembler
> §  SOAP IIA-4000 Tape Librarian
> §  Regional Assembler
> §  SuperSoap
> o    New features:
> §  CARDDECK SPLIT command now allows to split availability table deck and
> condensed 5-word-per-load-card deck.
> o    The usual bug correction pack
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