Oh, and if you are using UTF-8, you are very screwed.


On 2020-05-16 17:06, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Sounds like your problem is that TPU thinks your terminal understands 8-bit control characters, while it actually doesn't.

Ctrl+Left click should show a menu entry "8-bit controls", which is the corresponding thing on the xterm side.

However, to properly answer your question, we'd need to know a lot more about your environment. And it's a bit hard to even ask the right questions here, because xterm is so flexible that you can accomplish a lot of stuff in multiple ways, and you might not even know what you are doing... And VMS tries to figure out what your terminal is, and depending on various details, xterm will identify in different ways, which is what VMS then base its settings on...


On 2020-05-16 16:34, Peter Allan wrote:
I am trying to configure xterm to work as closely as possible to a real VT terminal when connected to a simulated microVAX 3900 on simh. I have this mostly working, but one thing that is annoying me is the display of characters in the xterm window when editing a file with EDIT/TPU.

When I edit a file with EDIT/EDT, the screen displays what I would expect for EDT.

However, when I edit a file with EDIT/TPU, I get a lot of garage characters on the screen and it is unusable while in the editor. Pressing cntl-Z exits the editor and the screen is fine again.

I have found that if I type SET TERM/NOEIGHT before using EDIT/TPU, then it works fine. The annoying thing is that if I type SET TERM/INQUIRE then it sets the terminal to EIGHTBIT mode, and this happens when I log in.

I can easily change the login command procedure to set the terminal to NOEIGHTBIT when I log in, but does anyone know how to configure xterm so that is not an issue in the first place?

To reiterate, this is a problem with the display of characters on the screen of the xterm window, not an issue with the mapping of keys.


Peter Allan

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Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
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