Re: [Simh] pdp11 fails MAINDEC CPU test 14 D0NA
From: Johnny Billquist b...@softjar.se
Date: Jul 9, 7:29 PM
To: Paul Koning paulkon...@comcast.net
CC: Paul Moore paulmoore...@hotmail.com, simh@trailing-edge.com

On 2020-07-10 02:19, Paul Koning wrote:

The VAX architecture seems to have been an explicit design effort. For the Alpha this was even more obvious, where a monstrously large book (certainly 500 pages, maybe double that) was written and reviewed in depth before anything was cast into silicon. Not so for the PDP11, as you pointed out.

It definitely was an explicit effort. I seem to remember seeing/reading
somewhere at some point that this was because of what had happened on
the PDP-11. So a lesson learned kind of thing.

The VAX architecture was indeed an explicit effort, but more than that, it was developed in conjunction with VMS. The hardware was developed to run the OS that was written to run the hardware.

I know because my Dad told me some stories of when he was on the VAX-B design team, having been on the RSX-11M project, so he came with Cutler's say so, I presume.

In typical Ken Olson fashion, there were two teams set up to "fight" with each other. The VAX-B team would review everything the VAX-A team did, kick the tires, find flaws, and suggest additions or improvements.

Everything was hashed out on paper before anything materialized. I'm not clear on where Gordon Bell fit into the process. He may have handed commandments down like Moses and everyone implemented them.

I used to have an Alpha Architecture manual, but I lost it somewhere
along the way. :-(

I do. Somewhere. Hmmm.

Phil Mendelsohn

"Behind the times, but ahead of the game."
--Becky Mendelsohn
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