OK, I'm going to try to unpack a few different arguments.

1. It seems we disagree on whether or not the release I am proposing is a fork. I think this is based on a difference of opinion about whether a fork is defined by an _action_ or by an _intention_. I do not believe this is a fork, because there is no intention (and, I believe, no effect) to divide community effort. I am fully supportive of the completion of and ultimate migration to E3.

2. You object that "making experimental commitments" may not coincide with "making a great release". This may be true, but remember that there is no intention to ever make another "great release" of E2. Instead, we expect the next great release to be E3. With E2 abandoned, there seems no downside to releasing some experimental functionality on it.

3. You're right that I believe this code should be released because it is there. Of course this release could happen in different ways. I suppose I could put a copy of my code at http://people.csail.mit.edu/karger/exhibit-api.js , but really why is this any better? The code still _exists_. Isn't it just as much a fork that way? On the other hand, the option of deleting my changes seems damaging, since I think they make the tool better and thus help our current users---see my point 7 below.

4. "How has the liverpool group participated in the community?" By creating a pretty cool extension. We might wish that they would participate more in the discussion group, but I'd rather appreciate their contribution than feel bad about what they haven't done.

5. To the issue of what should be in core. Note that neither the data-editor from liverpool nor the map view are "in core". They are extensions. I suppose we could have asked liverpool to host the data editing extension somewhere else, but that's putting a big and as far as I can see unnecessary barrier on the contribution. Similarly the map extension is outside core. As proof, exhibit and the map extension can be mixed and matched between 2.2 and trunk: the 2.2 map extension will run fine with the current trunk (one user is already doing so), and the trunk map extension should work fine with E2.2 core (though I haven't tried that mix). I can see some weight to an argument that I should have created a new extension---mapv3-extension.js . A similar argument could be made that each data-format importer should be its own script that must be explicitly included. But such extensions would only be available to people who explicitly ask for them, which bumps into the next consideration:

6. I think the really big question is whether, at some point, we should switch over simile-widgets.org/exhibit/api to use the 2.3 version instead of 2.2. Obviously, 2.2 will still exist at api.simile-widget.org/exhibit/2.2.0 , so it isn't a matter of eliminating something people depends on. But a switchover would mean a "forced upgrade" for anyone who isn't paying attention to their exhibits. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Thinking about the changes, we have (i) maintenance that should rescue people from bugs (and painter failures) and (ii) new features that they won't see at all if they don't choose to use them. On the downside, we have the risk that I have introduced new bugs, or incompatibilities with certain customizations people have already made. That would obviously be bad, which is why I want to take the time to let people test trunk voluntarily before we do a switchover. I believe that at a certain point, we will have enough evidence that 2.3 is "safe" to make the (known) benefits outweigh the (unknown) risks.

7. This also ties to your question, "Do I intend for thousands of users to move from E2.2 to E2.3"? I believe that the painter issue has caused widespread problems in the past, and that other bugs have been a general nuisance, and therefore think there is benefit for the entire community to make the shift. That's why I think ultimately it will be better for the default exhibit api to be 2.3. This does have to balanced against the worry/risk that changes may cause some 2.2 exhibits to stop working---which is why I want to test for a while before making the switch.

8. Another way to interpret your question is as worrying about the consequences if many exhibit users adopt the new features like data import or data editing. I think this would be great! It would provide a very strong signal that these things are important to incorporate into E3. Perhaps this is where you worry about leaving users "stranded" in the move to E3---that they will have become dependent on those features and won't be able to move. But again, I don't buy the argument that we should withhold something from our current users just because we might not be able to provide it in the future.

9. More generally, I think our differences may reflect an argument that has played out often in the past: in medicine, should we be directing our money towards treating poor current sufferers from a disease, or should we be investing in research that may ultimately yield a complete cure? For us, this translates to "should we be doing things that benefit the current *users* of the exhibit codebase, or should we be investing in a development process that will yield a better development community in the long term." I can accept the argument that effort invested in helping current exhibit users (through maintenance or new features) might be effort taken away from long-term development community building. But by the same token, investing effort in long-term development can detract from solving the problems that current users face. And I think the answer is the same as it for medicine: both the arguments are true, but neither is definitive. We value both investments---in current benefit and in future benefit---and really don't have the foresight necessary to understand the optimal allocation between them. So we do both.

10. To the question of moving the goalposts, I am happy to commit, once E3 is otherwise feature complete, to porting the E2 changes I made into E3. Although, as I remarked before, you probably don't want any code contributions from a bad engineer like me into a production quality system!

On 2/3/2012 5:56 AM, Ryan Lee wrote:
Thanks for taking the time to respond and offering the opportunity to
discuss this.

So I don't think it's on me to convince you why you shouldn't make a
fork release.  It's your responsibility to explain why you should.  If
you don't see this proposed 2.3 release meeting the definition of a
fork, I can and will explain myself in more depth below, but I'll just
be repeating conventional concepts couched in Exhibit specifics.  And
while you go to some lengths to describe the scope, content, and intent
of this material, I feel I should make clear that my objection is to the
act of forking and what its signals.

The reasons you give below for testing out your ideas using Exhibit 2
are spot on.  Were I in your position and on a timeline, I would have
done the same and chosen the existing code base over the one that was
just an idea at that time.  What I would not have done is make
experimental commits to trunk to satisfy external interests.  While it
is a certainty that this experimenting can lead to great improvements to
the code, it is not a certainty that satisfying said external interests
also coincides with making a great release.  And it's a release based on
such commit behavior that I'm objecting to.

One of the things I brought up in my last was how your research brings
in new and unknown committers to the main development line without any
prior community participation.  With that in mind - how have the
Liverpool group been participating in this open source community?

I mentioned that I thought a great number of the features I see coming
from the research direction don't belong in core from their outset.
Perhaps it would behoove all of us to find some consensus on what core
means.  What I'm generally advocating for is that these things begin
their life as extensions external to the project, making their way in to
the Exhibit repository as extensions as the community plays with and
develops them, finally making their way into core if the feature grows
to such a rate of adoption.  My ideal resolution to our differences
would be to see a 2.2.1 maintenance-only release and the new features
teased out as extensions for the community to poke at and play with.

Perhaps one way to sum up our differences is that you'd like to make a
release because it's there; I'd prefer you didn't as-is because a lot of
what's there shouldn't be there in the first place.

On forking.  You mention your moving to Exhibit 3.0 can happen when its
feature set meets or exceeds Exhibit 2's.  Yet you're essentially moving
the goalposts with this proposed 2.3 release.  This is one essence of
forking every developer should rightfully despise.

Do you intend for thousands of users to move from 2.2 to 2.3?  If not -
and I hope you don't - that suggests this proposed 2.3 release is only
meant for a small circle of adopters.  It doesn't sound like it merits a
full, community-wide release.  Stranding users on 2.3 to take on a
handful of experimental features while 3.0 marches away from them is
also a distasteful result of forking.

As for not taking any energy away, I think that's contestable, but it's
also only looking in one direction to claim that just because it hasn't
yet doesn't mean it won't in the future.  Groups fork from one another
precisely because it does do that.

On 2012-02-02 14:45 , David Karger wrote:
You may be surprised that I agree with almost everything you say.
However, there is one sticky fact that drove me onto the path of an
exhibit 2.3 release: Exhibit 2 is a full-featured system in active use
at a couple thousand sites, while Exhibit 3, due to the limits of what
we received funding to accomplish, is an incomplete upgrade that does
not yet meet the needs of the current E2 users.

As you observe, my proposed 2.3 is a mix of a maintenance and a
"research" release.  In the maintenance category we have bugfixes and
the elimination of the painter service dependence in the map view.  In
the research category we have logging, embedded data, new input formats,
and data editing.

The rationale for doing maintenance on E2 is that, as observed above, E3
is not yet at a point where current E2 users can transition to it.
Because painter has been a longstanding problem point for E2 users, I
judged it worth improving the quality of their current tool.

In a perfect world, we would have first completed development of E3 to
match E2 capabilities, then added these changes to E3.  However, none of
us have the manpower for that, so these needed changes would not have
happened without E2.  I judged that the need to have these changes
available *now* trumped the value of shifting all effort to E3.

As for the research component of the release, most of these changes were
again driven by current users.  The data editing extension was actually
created by the Ensemble Project at Liverpool University because they
need it for their application of Exhibit in e-learning (and E3 doesn't
yet have what they need).  The XML importer was also a request of the
Ensemble project.  Embedded data was a specific response for users who
had problems getting their content indexed when the content was on a
linked page, and also ties to the editable data work of the ensemble
project.  Logging is indeed something we inserted for our own research
purposes, but it's literally 10 lines of code, not worth attention.

In a sense, the existence of E3 reduced my concern about pushing
experimental changes to E2.  We know that eventually E3 will overtake E2
in functionality, and at that point E2 will be decommissioned.  E2
therefore becomes a perfect prototyping environment within which to
test-drive ideas that might someday be incorporated in E3 when it
reaches full functionality.  Again, those ideas can't be test-driven in
E3 yet, because E3 isn't complete.

To your forking  objection, that we "split focus and energy" from E3, I
can only observe how tiny our manpower is at MIT.  All of my (as opposed
to ensemble's) contributions to E2.3 represent tinkering at the edges
that I was able to carve out of a small amount of "hobby time".  My
contribution to E3 would have been negligible in quantity (and probably
negative in quality---as you say, production code is different).
Essentially, 2.3 is the exhibit "research lab" you recommend at the end
of your note.  It isn't a fork because it hasn't taken any meaningful
energy from E3.

I'm happy to continue this discussion, but so far none of the arguments
you've given convince me that there is any negative value in making the
small improvements we've produced available as a new 2.3 release.

On 02/02/2012 05:13 PM, Ryan Lee wrote:
This is going to be a bit long, so please bear with me.  It's important.

I am supportive of a maintenance release to Exhibit 2.2.0 (what is
currently deployed) where long standing bugs get fixed, libraries
updated, etc., for those who feel they can't make a switch to 3.0 just
yet.  But this proposed alpha changes semantics and adds features.  It
is essentially a fork release.  And forking releases sucks: parallel and
divergent lines of development get very hard to reconcile, and they
split focus and energy.

Even so, I'd be happy to take a look at a diff for between June and now
to see what fixes could be incorporated into Exhibit 3.0.  But I'm not
going to take in changes to the configuration language or other material
that almost certainly does not belong in the core of Exhibit at all.

Your involvement with Exhibit at the research level is incredibly
valuable, don't get me wrong there; I think it could be amazing to have
a constant flow into the Exhibit community of fresh ideas emanating from
your research group.  At the same time, how that's been done to date is
at direct odds with one of the cornerstones of making an open source
project successful: gatekeeping for who can get commit access to the
core trunk.

When any of your students can get in to satisfy your group's
requirements but others from the wider community need to actively
demonstrate participation and core competency to receive the same, the
overall quality of the project is rather more harmed than improved, and
the community gets unhelpful signals about how exactly they're involved.
   Code that's been generated for research is almost never the same as
code that's been tested and engineered for production, for many good
reasons - but the difference is there nonetheless.

Still, I do believe these competing interests both deserve their place
in the project, and I think they can be reconciled.  One of the reasons
we moved to GitHub was to provide a better social model for working on
Exhibit.  With GitHub, everybody is working on their own personal fork
for development, even the gatekeepers.  It becomes the gatekeepers job
to merge in any changes as submitted by contributors.  This way, anybody
can participate - subject to review.  The best contributors then
become gatekeepers themselves.  Within this model, your students get the
opportunity to both simply work on code and use it as a proving ground
for promotion to gatekeeper, if that's at all their interest.

Ideally, Exhibit 3.0 also makes it easier to write code for Exhibit
without touching its core.  I'm sure it could use some refinement with
experience, but given that that's the direction we're moving in, your
students could then write extensions to pursue their ideas, and your
group serve them up as a sort of Exhibit research lab to the community,
the best features and implementations being adopted into Exhibit over

This release you propose conflates what is useful in a maintenance
release with what your group's most recent research focus has been.  I
do not believe the two should be joined together in one release.

The interim between the prior release and the next shows how little of a
release process we currently have in place as a community, so I suppose
it feels like fair game to just take individual initiative.  There's a
release proposal to the community coming up soon to address just that

Nobody is going to force you to stop.  But please don't issue a fork

On 2012-01-24 23:21 , David Karger wrote:
This is to announce an alpha release of an update to the Exhibit 2
codebase, one that I hope will eventually become Exhibit version 2.3. As
Exhibit 3 matures we aim to shift our developments efforts there, but
for the time being the greater maturity of E2 makes it a better testbed
for these updates. This release fixes a number of bugs and also offers
additional functionality; we'd like to see how that functionality gets
used in order to understand what is important to incorporate into E3.

These changes are all live on
http://trunk.simile-widgets.org/exhibit/api, so all you need to do to
try them is link to that API instead of api.simile-widgets.org .  Please
do so, and provide feedback on what is working and what isn't.

Major changes include:

* support for new import data formats including xml and html tables
* exhibit data can be embedded directly in html documents
* map view upgraded to use google maps v3 (gmaps key no longer required)
* map view renders icons locally (using canvas) instead of using painter
* a new extension supporting wysiwyg inline editing of data displayed in
any exhibit

There are also several bug fixes.  Details of these and other changes
can be found at http://people.csail.mit.edu/karger/Exhibit/alpha.html

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