RequireJS is quite popular.  We've considered looking into it at
Zepheira for Exhibit 3.0, but it's a big and somewhat experimental
change and not one we have slated for the immediate future.  If you're
interested in pursuing it and submitting a pull request, I'd be happy to
look it over.

On 2012-07-03 12:11 , David Karger wrote:
> Here's one other option, as demonstrated by the aloha editor, leveraging
> their usage of requirejs:
> <script type="text/javascript" src="Aloha/lib/aloha.js"
>                         data-aloha-plugins="common/format,
>                                         common/table,
>                                         common/list,
>                                         common/link,
>                                         common/highlighteditables,
>                                         common/block,
>                                         common/undo,
>                                         common/contenthandler,
>                                         common/paste,
>                                         common/commands,
>                                         common/abbr,
>                                         extra/browser,
> extra/linkbrowser"></script>
> On 5/11/2012 3:08 PM, Ryan Lee wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We've traced this down to a problem with the current extension loading
>> mechanism.  In an attempt to keep things from shifting too much between
>> Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3, I tried to allow for the form:
>>   <script src="exhibit-api.js">
>>   <script src="extensions/map-extension.js">
>> But, with the varied ways released browsers now handle the script tag,
>> this introduces a potential network delay in loading everything in the
>> right order; sometimes the map code gets loaded after Exhibit's started
>> to initialize itself, which is too late.
>> You probably weren't expecting design proposals to your question, but it
>> seems an opportune time to share what I've been kicking around the past
>> couple of days, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
>> * Use LABjs
>> In this scenario, the only script src tag will be to load the LABjs
>> library, then use its loading framework inline to bring everything
>> related to Exhibit, including extensions, in in an orderly fashion.  The
>> major drawback here is that it forces users who don't necessarily care
>> at all about code to pay attention to the actual scripting.  For those
>> who do pay attention, it makes things a bit easier to incorporate
>> extra-Exhibit material into the loading process.
>> A related scenario would be to mask LABjs entirely with an
>> Exhibit-specific mechanism, but this only really adds a layer that might
>> allow an easier departure from LABjs if needed in the future.
>> * Use async / defer
>> HTML 5 introduces attributes to the script tag that allow the page
>> author to give hints to the browser about whether some scripts can load
>> without dependency on one another and whether some need to be run in the
>> order they appear in.  But support is not universal across browsers.
>> * Abuse link rel
>> Instead of listing extensions (or other scripts) as actual script tags,
>> just point to them with
>>    <link rel="exhibit-extension" href="...">
>> and let Exhibit pick out and load extensions itself during its loading
>> process.  Other than the fact that I've never seen anybody use <link> in
>> this way, this might be the simplest and least obtrusive solution I
>> could think of.  It does tend to make it even harder for those who don't
>> control the <head> of a document to get Exhibit in.
>> * Cram in more parameters
>> Instead of listing each extension separately, they could also be set as
>> additional parameters to the core of Exhibit
>>   <script src="exhibit-api.js?extension=extensions/map-extension.js">
>> which (aside from taking some steps backwards into Exhibit's history) is
>> not as dubious as the prior proposal but makes that one line difficult
>> to read and assemble and additionally makes it difficult for the
>> extensions themselves to extract any of their own parameters; it would
>> probably require an ad hoc solution for adding extension-only parameters.
>> If you have any other ideas or feedback on the above, I'd love to hear
>> from you (or get a pull request from you on GitHub ;).
>> As for the Tile view issue, it had to do with paging and localization;
>> that's been fixed in trunk [1].  Perhaps we can make a new release
>> candidate in the near future bundling some of these fixes together.
>> 1.

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