Hey I'm having difficulty displaying icons when I run my local version of 
the simile timeline, has anyone else run into a problem like this? Here's a 
sample form my json file:

var timeline_data = {  // save as a global variable

'dateTimeFormat': 'iso8601',

'wikiURL': "http://simile.mit.edu/shelf/";,

'wikiSection': 'Great Depression', 'events' : [ 

 {'start': '1920' , 'end': '1920' , 'title' : 'In their view and like ' , 
'description' : 'In their view and like the monetarists, the Federal 
Reserve, which was created in 1913, shoulders much of the blame; but in 
opposition to the monetarists, they argue that the key cause of the 
Depression was the expansion of the money supply in the 1920s that led to 
an unsustainable credit-driven boom.In the Austrian view it was this 
inflation of the money supply that led to an unsustainable boom in both 
asset prices (stocks and bonds) and capital goods.', 'icon' : 

 {'start': '1920' , 'end': '1920' , 'title' : 'Although Austrian econo' , 
'description' : 'Although Austrian economists had challenged Keynesianism 
since the 1920s, it was not until the 1970s, with the influence of Milton 
Friedman that the Keynesian approach was politically questioned.', 'icon' : 

 {'start': '1920' , 'end': '1920' , 'title' : 'By the late 1920s, the ' , 
'description' : 'By the late 1920s, the Federal Reserve had almost hit the 
limit of allowable credit that could be backed by the gold in its 
possession.', 'icon' : 'dull-blue-circle.png'}, 

Any advice would be appreciated. This should be a simple one!

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